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Wethersfield Dental Group Blog

Why Neglecting to Go to the Dentist Can Cost You Money

March 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 5:15 pm
man at checkup with dentist

Many people regularly skip out on their regular checkups and cleanings with their dentist year after year. One main reason is the cost. After all, if you brush and floss at home, why bother paying money to get your teeth cleaned professionally? As it turns out, neglecting your biannual dental visits can end up costing you money in dental care costs down the road. Here are a few reasons to see your dentist twice a year and save money in the process.


How Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve Your Confidence

March 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 4:32 pm
woman smiling after seeing cosmetic dentist

Maybe your New Year’s Resolution for 2020 was to be a more confident person. Going to the gym a few times a week has certainly helped a little, but something is still missing. After looking in the mirror, you notice it’s because your smile doesn’t look nearly as beautiful as you want it to. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist has a few ways to help with that. Here are some reasons to get cosmetic dentistry to up your confidence, and a few of your options.


Your Guide to Baby Teeth for National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 4:51 pm
little girl with a toothbrush

If your child’s baby teeth are just going to fall out anyway, should you even bother taking care of them? This is just one of the many questions that your children’s dentist can answer when you take your little one in for their first appointment. Since February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, it’s the perfect time to talk all about baby teeth and how you can take care of your son’s or daughter’s precious smile.


What to Eat and Drink for Healthier Gums

February 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 7:00 pm
assorted fruits and vegatables

For some people, the month of February is all about flowers, chocolates, and planning the perfect date. But did you know that February is also Gum Disease Awareness Month? This observance was created to bring awareness to gum disease, the most common bacterial infection in the United States. In fact, it’s estimated to affect up to 85% of the population at some point in their lives. To attempt to prevent this disease, your dentist has decided to share this list of steps you can take to promote healthier gums.


The Top 10 Reasons Why You Have a Toothache

January 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 9:12 pm
woman with toothache

When you have a toothache, it’s often difficult to think about anything else, except to wonder, “why does my tooth hurt?” Besides finding relief, determining the cause of your pain is probably at the top of your list of things you need to do. That’s why your dentist has written this guide on the top 10 reasons behind toothaches.


Achieve Your New Year Smile with Long-Lasting Dental Implants

January 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 8:47 pm
A diagram of a dental implant.

Another year has come to pass, which means another season of holidays has ended. If you think back to those times and realize that you didn’t spend a lot of moments in photos with the family, was it because you didn’t want to show your smile? Furthermore, did you find yourself avoiding certain foods because you found it difficult or because you were afraid of your denture coming out in the process? Millions of people are missing teeth in the United States, but that doesn’t mean you have to be one of them. Here’s why dental implants are a great way to start your new year off right!


Dentist On the Importance of Cleaning Your Tongue and How To Do It

December 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 3:43 am
Woman sticking out her tongue

Your tongue is covered in hundreds of tiny papillae, which are the finger-like projections that give your tongue its rough texture. Interestingly, these papillae form a pattern on your tongue that’s just as unique as your fingerprints. They also create a carpet-like surface on your tongue that easily harbors plaque, bacteria, food debris, and dead skin cells. This can lead to bad breath and a number of other oral health issues. In addition to scheduling routine visits with a dentist to make sure your tongue stays healthy, there are some easy ways to keep it clean and improve your overall health in the process. Learn more below!


Traveling For the Holidays? 5 Tips To Avoid Seeing an Emergency Dentist

December 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 5:19 pm
Snowman with a first-aid kit

It’s easy to have mixed feelings about traveling for the holidays. On one hand, you get to see friends and family, enjoy a break from the daily routine, and indulge in plenty of delicious food. On the other, you have to deal with winter weather and crowded airports! But another thing that can quickly put a damper on your holidays is dealing with a dental emergency away from home. You can always see an emergency dentist for care, but it’s a lot easier to simply prevent dental problems altogether. Keep reading below for 5 easy tips anyone can use to keep their smile healthy over the holidays. 


Foods That Can Impact Your Sleep Apnea

November 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 6:35 pm
salmon dinner

Did you know that certain foods that you eat can cause your sleep apnea to get worse? On the flip side, there are also some snacks you can incorporate into your diet to help you have a great night of rest. The holidays are all about indulging in delicious homemade meals, but without the right knowledge, you may be eating foods that make your sleeping condition worse than it already is. Knowing what foods to avoid and what ones are safe can help you avoid sleep deprivation during the holidays. Read on to learn what foods you can indulge in and which ones are best to avoid.ß


5 Oral Health Tips for Flu Season

November 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — wethersfield @ 4:38 pm
sick person laying on their couch

Flu season is often filled with endless drainage, sniffling, and sneezing. For most people, it’s so bad that they would try every home remedy and medication to dry up their body so they never have to put another Kleenex to their raw, red nose again. While having a cold or the flu may put you out of commission for a couple days, it’s still important to take care of your mouth, even if that means having to get off the couch. Here are five oral health tips for flu season from your dentist so you don’t have to tackle physical and dental illnesses at the same time.

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